Friday, June 11, 2010

Welcome to BreeZ's Creations

My name is Breanna Marini: I'm a 23 year-old mother of three beautiful children, a dedicated student, an inspired homemaker, and a CREATOR. I started this website to promote the numerous projects I create; showing off my works of art and hoping for a potential business opportunity.

I pride myself in helping others through appropriate planning and creating useful documents to promote marketing and self-sufficiency. Every business/party has to start somewhere and I believe that with the eye-catching presentation and/or invitation YOU TOO can have the BEST business or party in town!

I first start with the type of document, understanding the function, then adding a theme, incorporating colors, and finishing the document with your personal touch! For those who don't have the time, energy, or are simply lacking creativity, I can help develop:

- Newsletters: Are you having difficulty communicating with family, friends, or co-workers? Keep them updated through a brief newsletter!
- Invitations: Don't let your guest forget that important date! Let me help you create a memorable invitation that will engrave the occasion in their minds.
- Flyer's: Have an important event approaching, but are unsure how to "woo" your guest? I can create and help you plan for the special event, promoting maximum attendance.
- Business Cards: Let EVERYONE know who YOU are! The best way to get noticed is through NETWORKING. If someone knows a person, who knows a person, it's great to have a business card on hand so the individual can spread the word with ease! Don't leave your potential customers with sloppy writing on a napkin that eventually ends up in the trash. Let me help you create the perfect business card TODAY!

Lastly, I have found that making useful gifts are enjoyed more thoroughly than swiping a card for something plastic that will either break or die within a few weeks. Therefore, one of my favorite hobbies is creating and developing educational toys for children out of basic materials and fabric. Today we rely so much on technology to keep our children occupied, but what we're forgetting to realize is that it's the simple toys, like a fabric ball or box of bean bags, that will help our children's development.

My creations aren't limited to what is described in this post, but continues on with clothing, accessories, cooking, cleaning tips, and other ideas. Because the site will be constantly under re-construction, keep an eye out for updated posts with pictures of my products. Thank you for stopping by the blog and if you have any question, comments, or are interested in the pricing of my services please feel free to email me at:

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